The ultimate software to prevent malicious attacks on your well being, all while you live a long lavish life.

$55 / YEAR
ENDLESS Protection

For a fee of $55 dollars you can have 24/7 support regarding your computer, and AI defenders to wipe out those pesky viruses! With endless updates to keep you protected always!(coming soon!)


A software based program that can neutralize hundreds of viruses in mere minutes! All while allowing you to use your computer or phone with no disturbances. Using the state of the art artificial intelligence we will protect you from being targeted by spam calls & identity theft!(The following software is in it's trial phase and will be full released in the coming months)


Hello! I am the founder of LCKDWNS, and the lead software engineer. I have worked on several big named programs, and currently studying to get my doctrine in business. With over 8 years of experience, I am able to bring you a beautiful project that will learn from the cruel mistakes of the world and protect you from you making those same mistakes.

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